
Dr. Gray Akoegbe, MD

  • Cardiology,
Profile Overview

About Me

Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, Dr. Gray Akoegbe is a skilled internist. He takes care of the community of Douglasville, GA, and is an integral part of WellStar Medical Group. His sound medical knowledge and passion towards his work are commendable and make him a valued asset at the practice. Dr. Akoegbe completed his bachelor's degree at Kennesaw State University. He earned his medical degree from Meharry Medical College. He subsequently completed a residency in internal medicine at the University of Chicago and a fellowship in cardiovascular disease at Henry Ford Health System. Dr. Akoegbe treats various cardiac conditions, such as coronary artery diseases, congestive heart failure, and cardiomyopathy. Being a renowned cardiologist, he encourages his patients to lead healthy lifestyles, thus enabling them to take responsibility for their cardiac health

Name of Practice :
WellStar Medical Group Cardiovascular Medicin

Registered Number :

Qualification :

Specialization :

Work Experience
WellStar Medical Group Cardiovascular Medicin
6001 Professional Pkwy
Douglasville , GA 30134

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4 years of marriage and no child


It's clear that your husband is going through a challenging time. First and foremost encourage open communication between both of you. Let him know you're there to listen and understand his feelings.Given the prolonged sadness and stress it's advisable for him to seek profes....more

Mental Health


Common signs of mental health issues like depression or anxiety can include feeling consistently sad or overwhelmed losing interest in activities you once enjoyed changes in sleep patterns sleeping too much or too little changes in appetite or weight feeling unusually tired ....more

Stubborn Child


It sounds like you're dealing with a challenging situation. It's very important to provide a supportive and understanding environment for your stepson. Consider open communication about his feelings spending quality time with him and seeking professional help if his behavior....more